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Prosper Insights & Analytics™

Prosper Insights & Analytics has unveiled the next generation of business intelligence services based on data integration analytics from over hundreds of thousands of data series to provide continuously updated solutions focused on core business processes and centered around Smart Data Applications.


Smart Data Apps are analytics that provide knowledge to executives and help relieve anxiety that comes with Big Data. These Apps are easy-to-use, scalable and can be used as a common language to break down walls within an organization. They are unique because they provide perspective that you and your company never had before.

Apps are deployed using Prosper's advanced InsightCenter™ platform. Complex algorithms are applied to information, from multiple datasets and multiple sources, housed in our Data Vault to create unique analytics that previously did not exist.

Smart Data Apps are available for:

• Retail

• Mobile

• Media

• Finance

• Overall Consumer Sentiment

These apps are implemented using our Smart Data Calc Tool. This tool allows you to use any
combination of data series and any combination of dates to do complex mathematical equations and provide analytics on-the-fly. Users can include their own custom analytics which are auto-updated when new data is loaded into the system.

The smart data concept is based on the idea that we need the right data to make better business decisions, not just a bunch of data. These Smart Data Apps take you to the next level by bringing in the information that is most relevant to your business and providing specific, actionable insights.





Prosper Business Development
7100 N High Street, Suite 107
Worthington, Ohio 43085
614-846-0146 • FAX 614-846-0156